Broadcast Media
20. (2024, February). Une vie saine et active sans effort : c’est possible ! l’apport des neurosciences pour accompagner les changements. Webinaire Neoflo, France.
19. (2023, December). Just do it? The exercise Paradox of Physical activity. Healthy Habits Podcast, France.
18. (2023, June). L’activité physique est-elle vraiment bonne pour le cerveau? CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
17. (2023, January). Can exercise make you smarter? EAT MOVE THINK, USA.
16. (2022, November). Activité physique à l’école. Le Grand JT de l’éducation SQOOL TV, France.
15. (2022, May). Stimuler son immunité. 36.9, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
14. (2022, February). Le capital culturel impacte la pratique d’une activité sportive. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
13. (2021, December). Dans la tête…d’un colérique. Dans la tête de…, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
12. (2021, March). Dans la tête…d’un paresseux. Dans la tête de…, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
11. (2021, February). Le lien entre force musculaire et risque d’hospitalisation pour le Covid. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
10. (2020, September). Le syndrome du paresseux. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
9. (2020, May). Déconfinement, attention à la reprise du sport. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
8. (2020, April). Le syndrome du paresseux. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
7. (2019, June). La loi du moindre effort. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
6. (2019, January). La paresse est un don de l’évolution. La Matinale, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
5. (2018, December). Hardwired for laziness. CTV News Channel, USA.
4. (2018, October). Activité physique, la gymnatique des neurones. Le 19h30, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
3. (2018, February). Santé : tout se joue avant dix ans. CQFD, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
2. (2018, February). Les conditions de vie durant l’enfance ont des effets sur la santé des adultes. Le 19h30, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
1. (2016, April). Les homophobes sont-ils des homosexuels refoulés? Forum, Radio Television Suisse RTS, Switzerland.
Text Media
(selection from over 500 text media in over 50 countries)
51. (2024, January). Comment lutter contre l’attrait du canapé. Que Choisir Santé, France.
50. (2023, September 15). Is exercise really good for the brain? Here’s what the science says. The New Daily, Australia.
49. (2023, May 13). Macht Sport wirklich schlau? Tages Anzeiger, Germany.48. (2023, May 13). Macht Sport wirklich schlau? Basler Zeitung, Germany.47. (2023, May 13). Macht Sport wirklich schlau? Der Bund, Germany.
46. (2023, May 12). Bouger est toujours possible! Tribune de Genève, Switzerland.
45. (2023, May 7). Bouger est toujours possible, à tout âge! Le Matin Dimanche, Switzerland.
44. (2023, May 4). L’exercice physique est-il réellement bon pour notre cerveau ? Science & Vie, France.
43. (2023, May 3). Pas d’esprit sain sans un corps sain ? Voici ce qu’en dit la science. Ouest France, France.
42. (2023, May 2). Le sport est-il vraiment bon pour le cerveau? Yahoo, France.
41. (2023, May 2). Le sport est-il vraiment bon pour le cerveau? Slate FR (France)
40. (2023, April 21). L’activité physique est bonne pour la cognition, dit une étude. Le Droit, Canada.
39. (2023, April 21). L’activité physique est bonne pour la cognition, dit une étude. La Tribune, Canada.
38. (2023, April 21). L’activité physique modérée est bonne pour la cognition, montre une étude. L’Actualité, Canada.
37. (2023, April 20). From the lab to the gym: translating scientific discoveries about exercise and cognition into real-world applications. Banting Research Foundation, Canada.
36. (2023, April 20). L’activité physique modérée est bonne pour la cognition, montre une étude. Radio Canada, Canada.
35. (2023, April 20). L’activité physique modérée est bonne pour la cognition. La Presse, Canada.
34. (2023, April 10).인지능력 향상, 건강한 두뇌 위해서는 운동하라. The Korea Times, USA.
33. (2023, April 10). Can exercise help brain health? What two conflicting studies tell us. The Globe & Mail, Canada.
32. (2023, April 8). Como é que o exercício aguça o pensamento e contribui para um cérebro mais saudável. Público, Portugal.
31. (2023, April 7). La actividad física te hace más inteligente, según estudios. BAE Negocios, Argentina.
30. (2023, April 7). Egzersiz nasıl daha sağlıklı düşünmeyi sağlıyor? Oksijen, Turkey.
29. (2023, April 7). Some people are genetically predisposed to hate exercise. Here’s why you should do it anyway. Outdoors, USA.
28. (2023, April 5). How exercise leads to sharper thinking and a healthier brain. NewsBeezer, USA.
27. (2023, April 5). How exercise leads to sharper thinking and a healthier brain. Washington Post, USA.
26. (2022, June 30). Le cerveau, ce fainéant. Le point, France.
25. (2021, May 26). Can't be bothered? Why some of us are more motivated than others. New Scientist, UK.
24. (2021, April 14). Regular exercise may help protect against severe covid. New York Times, USA.
23. (2021, March 3). Muscle strength associated with reduced COVID-19 hospitalization. News Medical, UK.
22. (2020, May 24). Exercise keeps our brains healthy – but does cognitive decline lead to physical decline? The Globe and Mail, Canada.
21. (2020, March 24). Brain or muscles, what do we lose first? Science Daily, USA.
20. (2019, August 25). Estamos programados para a preguiça. El País, Brasil.
19. (2019, August 13). Nous sommes programmés pour la paresse. Le Point, France.
18. (2019, April 5). Nous sommes programmés pour la paresse. Ouest France.
17. (2019, April 5). L'être humain est programmé pour la paresse. Science & Vie, France.
16. (2018, December 19). La paresse est un don de l'évolution. Science & Vie, France.
15. (2018, November 10). Vagos por naturaleza. La Verdad (Spain).
14. (2018, October 14). Cérebro pode estimular pessoas a uma vida sedentária. Estadão, Brasil.
13. (2018, October 11). Humans are hardwired for laziness. Treehugger (USA).
12. (2018, October 11). El cerebro le dice al cuerpo: no te levantes. Clarín, Argentina.
11. (2018, October 10). Brains of lazy people reveal why humans can't help avoiding exercise. Inverse, USA.
10. (2018, October 3). Muoversi fa bene, ma siamo programmati per essere pigri. La Repubblica, Italy.
9. (2018, September 26). How evolution made our brains lazy. Big Think, USA.
8. (2018, September 26). Are we wired to sit? The New York Times, USA.
7. (2018, September 24). El cerebro libra una batalla para que hagamos deporte. La Razón, Spain.
6. (2018, September 22). A brain against gym attendance. The Mainichi, Japan.
5. (2018, September 21). You really, really want to go to the gym but still avoid it. Washington Post, USA.
4. (2018, September 21). Your brain is wired to avoid the gym. Vice, USA.
3. (2018, September 18). The battle against your inner sloth might never end. The Star, Canada.
2. (2018, September 18). New study reveals humans are super lazy but it’s not our fault. Daily Hive, Canada.
1. (2018, September 9). Why am I so lazy? Blame evolution. Nine Coach, Australia.
Knowledge translation articles
14. Boisgontier, M., & Cheval, B. (2023). Is exercise really good for the brain? Here’s what the science says. The Conversation, CA
13. Boisgontier, M., & Cheval, B. (2023). Un esprit sain dans un corps sain ? Voici ce qu’en dit la science. La Conversation, CA
12. Maltagliati, S., Cheval, B., Fessler, L., Le Breton, M., & Sarrazin, P. (2022). Pourquoi mettre en avant ses bénéfices pour la santé ne suffit pas à promouvoir une activité physique régulière. The Conversation, FR
11. Igloi, K., Boisgontier, M., & Cheval, B. (2022). Activité physique, fonctionnement cognitif et performances scolaires : niveau de preuve et grade de recommandations. Conseil Scientifique de l’Éducation Nationale (CSEN), Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse, et des Sports (France)
10. Boisgontier, M., Cullati, S. & Cheval, B. (2020). Physical activity protects functional independence after age 20. The SHARE Blog
9. Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M., & Sarrazin, P. (2020). Par ici, les enfers. Sport & Vie
8. Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M., & Sarrazin, P. (2019). We are programmed to be lazy. The Conversation, UK
7. Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M., & Sarrazin, P. (2019). Estamos programados para la pereza. The Conversation, Spain
6. Finoulst, M., Vankrunkelsven, P., Cheval, B., & Boisgontier, M. (2019.) Is luiheid een vorm van efficiëntie? Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde
5. Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M., & Cullati, S. (2019). Early-life socioeconomic circumstances explain health differences in old age, but not their evolution over ageing. The SHARE Blog
4. Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M., & Sarrazin, P. (2019). Nous sommes programmés pour la paresse. The Conversation, France. (One of the most viewed articles in The Conversation: 246 245 readers)
3. Boisgontier, M., & Cheval, B. (2019). Enquête aux sources de la paresse. Sport & Vie
2. Boisgontier, M., & Cheval, B. (2019). Are we lazy, or just being efficient? The brain’s struggle to avoid sedentary behaviours. WellSpring
1. Cheval, B., & Boisgontier M (2019). Tous paresseux ? Cerveau & Psycho